PORDASI XIVth National Summit 2024 – Resolution (Succesful Organizational Transformation; Farewells & Welcomes)

Held at the Aston Kartika Hotel, Jakarta on November 15, 2024, the XIV Musyawarah Nasional (Munas) / National Summit of the Indonesian Sport horse Society (“PORDASI”) Year 2024, which attended by 24 of the 26 provincial chapters (members), officially and joyfully ended.
Organizational Transformation as mandated by AD/ART (the Articles of Association and Bylaws/ Rulebook) was concluded, thus PP. PORDASI has transformed into a Confederation that oversees four National Federations; PORDASI-PACU (Sport horse Racing), PORDASI-EQUESTRIAN, PORDASI-POLO and PORDASI-BERKUDA MEMANAH (Horseback Archery/HBA).
Resulted from 2024 Summit, is for the first time in history of PORDASI, to elect four President of the National Confederate.PORDASI-PACU (Sport horse Racing) will be led by Teddy Soediro as it’s President; PORDASI-EQUESTRIAN be led by Dewi Larasati (Tike) as it’s President, and Budi Tulodo as as it’s secretary general; PORDASI-POLO be led by H. Muhammad Bunyamin or Benny Polo as it’s respective President; and PORDASI-BERKUDA MEMANAH (HBA) beled by Dicky Kamsari as its President. The last name, Dicky Kamsari is also Chairman elect of the PORDASIConfederation Presidium. The four presidents of the national federation of PORDASI and Chairman of Confederation, shall hold their respective positions for tenure of 2024-2028 period.

“Thank God for the spirit and solidity from all of us, both in this room and through the online, so that all session in the National Conference XIV Pordasi 2024, have run smoothly and successfully,” as expressed by former President of PP. PORDASIperiod the 2020-2024, Triwatty Marciano.

“It is hoped that the development of horse sports in each national federation can be more focused, and each national federation can be able to become member of their international federation, so that it is able to improve the quality of achievement as well as accelerate the improvement of the achievement of horse sports in the country to the global level,” continued Triwatty that was the Sport Horse Racing athlete (jockey) in the 1967s.

Each PORDASI National Federation, can be a member of the National Sport Committee of Indonesia (KONI), National level, Provincial KONI and Regency/City. At the international level, every Pordasi National Federation can be directly affiliated with their international federations. PORDASI-PACU will affiliate with the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA), PORDASI-EQUESTRIAN is already a member of the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI).
The current condition, Indonesia is represented by Indonesian Polo Association as member of Federation of International Polo (FIP). In the future, there will be an affirmation/improvation of position of PORDASI-POLO who is a member of FIP. Horseback Archery (HBA) will also determine its international federation soon, including forming a regional federation with Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.
Triwatty also advised that the quality of athlete development at the provincial, district/city and club levels should also be improved. “We all thank you for the contribution and sacrifice from the club / stable owners who have played a important role in developing Sport Horse achievements in the country,” continued Triwatty.
“I would like to thank the participants and reviewers from the provincial in all Indonesia as well as all the invited guests who were pleased to attend,” she added,
In addition, other Summit’s resolution is the acceptance and affirmation of accountability report by PP.PORDASI President for report period 2020-2024, and approval of programs submitted byPORDASI-PACU, PORDASI-EQUESTRIAN, PORDASI-POLO,and submitted by PORDASI-BERKUDA MEMANAH for period of 2024-2028.

On the last day of the Summit, the agenda was ‘Lepas Sambut (Farewell and Welcoming) of PORDASI Administrators: PP.PORDASI 2020-2024 to the National Confederation of PORDASI for the 2024-2028 period was also held. This agenda will be the corner stone of a new tradition in the future of every change of PORDASI’s leadership.
The first Farewell and Welcoming in this year is the handover of the Deed and AD/ART (Rulebook) of Pordasi, from the President of PP. PORDASI 2020-2024, Triwatty Marciano, to the Chairman of Presidium of PORDASI Confederation, Dicky Kamsari.

The opportunity was also used by Triwatty to persuade the PORDASI community, especially those who are entrusted as administrators to implement the message of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports, the President of National Sport Committee of Indonesia /KONI and the National KORMI, which is the unity of all Horse Sport stakeholders.
“Considering the message from the Minister, the President of KONI, and KORMI, Pordasi must be a solid PORDASI and have togetherness and a sense of family as all of us hope. Therefore, I hope what we have done can be continued, by embracing each other, I believe that the follow-up can go well,” said Triwatty.
Triwatty emphasized that PORDASI is the sole legitimate representative of Indonesia since 1966. Even so, Triwatty say that PORDASI is always open for various person & communities to join.
“I will try to unite our friends together,” said the Chairman of the Pordasi Confederation for the 2024-2028 period Dicky Kamsari welcoming Triwatty’s message.
The representative of the PORDASI Provincial Administrators were also delivered. Represented by H.Marjoni from Riau. “Greetings from all Pordasi Provincial Administrators from all over Indonesia, where they apologize for the mistakes that have happened, congratulations to Mrs. Wati for make the Pordasi organization better,” he said while praising Triwatty as a tough woman.

Representative of Yogyakarta also conveyed an additional message. “All Provincial Pordasi throughout Indonesia feel organized correctly, because we have been in Pordasi for decades but not like the 2020-2024 period,” explained Harsoyo.
“So far, the partnership between the Pordasi Provincial Administators and the PP. Pordasi is very close, we appeal to the replacement, there is a confederation and four federations to prioritize communication, like us with Mrs. Triwatty Marciano,” he said praising the good communication with Triwatty.

In the Farewell, Triwatty Marciano gave an award to the Chairman of the Equestrian Commission Brigadier General TNI Mar Purn Ivan Ahmad Rizky Titus, the Chairman of the Horse Archery Commission Major General TNI Agape Zacharia Dondokambey, the Chairman of the Pacu/ Sport Horse Racing Commission Fauzan Haviz, SE., MBA., MALS., MM or known as Andi Fauzan represented by Ir. Prasetyo Oedjianto, the Chairman of the Polo Commission RM. Harkat Boedi Susetio Soendaryo and the Chairman of the Farmers Commission represented by Irfan Melayu. All of them, work together with Triwatty in 2020-2024 period.
Surprise came at the end of the event, the entire Triwatty family led by Lieutenant General TNI Purn Marciano Norman entered area to congratulate her for hers dedication for 4 years as President of PP.Pordasi.
