Segera Dibentuk Kembali, Pengprov Pordasi Sulawesi Selatan Langsung Targetkan PON XXI

Masyarakat olahraga berkuda di Sulawesi Selatan memiliki semangat untuk meningkatkan prestasi. Oleh karenanya, mereka berupaya optimalkan pembinaan olahraga berkuda dengan cara membentuk kembali Pengurus Provinsi (Pengprov) Persatuan Olahraga Berkuda Seluruh Indonesia (Pordasi) Sulawesi Selatan sebagai satu-satunya organisasi yang melakukan pembinaan olahraga berkuda.

Party and Play: The Ultimate PNP Dating Sites

Are you ready to party and play? If you’re unfamiliar with the term, “party and play” (PNP) refers to a subculture within the online dating world that revolves around the combination of recreational drug use and sexual activities. While controversial and often stigmatized, PNP dating sites have gained popularity among those seeking like-minded individuals who share their interests. In this article, we will explore the world of PNP dating sites, examining their purpose, the arguments surrounding them, and the potential risks and benefits they offer.

From discreet encounters to wild nights of pleasure, PNP dating sites have become a hub for individuals looking to connect with others who enjoy both the party atmosphere and sexual exploration. But what drives people to seek out these platforms? Are they simply a way to find casual encounters, or do they provide a sense of community and acceptance for those who feel marginalized by mainstream dating apps? Join us as we delve into the world of PNP dating sites, uncovering the reasons behind their popularity and exploring the controversies that surround them. Brace yourself for a thought-provoking journey into a realm where pleasure and partying intertwine!

Exploring the World of PNP Dating Sites: An Overview

Party and Play (PNP) dating sites have become increasingly popular among individuals seeking like-minded partners who are open to exploring and enjoying the party and play lifestyle. These sites cater to those who are interested in combining recreational drug use with sexual activities. PNP dating sites provide a platform for users to connect with others who share similar interests and desires.

One of the top PNP dating sites is PNP Finder. This site offers a user-friendly interface that allows individuals to create a profile, search for potential matches, and engage in private messaging. PNP Finder also provides a variety of features, such as chat rooms and forums, where users can connect with others and share experiences. The site prioritizes user safety and discretion, ensuring a secure environment for PNP enthusiasts to connect and engage.

Another popular PNP dating site is PNP Hookups. This site focuses on connecting individuals who are looking for casual encounters and PNP experiences. PNP Hookups offers a simple registration process and a comprehensive search feature that allows users to find potential partners based on specific criteria. The site also provides a messaging system for seamless communication between users, making it easier to arrange PNP meetups and explore new connections.

For those seeking a broader range of experiences, PNP World is an excellent choice. This PNP dating site caters to individuals from all over the world, offering a diverse community of PNP enthusiasts. PNP World allows users to connect with others through video chats, private messaging, and group discussions. The site also includes a blog section where users can share their stories and experiences, fostering a sense of community among PNP enthusiasts.

Navigating the PNP Scene: Features and Functionality of PNP Dating Platforms

Party and Play, commonly known as PNP, is a subculture that involves combining recreational drug use with sexual activities. For those interested in exploring this lifestyle, PNP dating sites provide a platform to connect with like-minded individuals. These websites cater specifically to individuals who enjoy partying and playing, allowing them to find partners who share their interests and desires.

PNP dating sites offer a safe and discreet environment for individuals to express themselves freely without judgment. These platforms provide various features such as chat rooms, forums, and private messaging, allowing users to connect and interact with others who share their preferences. Whether you are looking for casual encounters, long-term relationships, or simply seeking companionship, PNP dating sites provide a space where individuals can find what they are looking for.

By joining PNP dating sites, individuals can connect with a diverse community of like-minded people from all over the world. These platforms allow users to create profiles that highlight their interests and preferences, making it easier to find compatible partners. Whether you are into a specific drug or have particular sexual preferences, PNP dating sites enable you to find others who share your desires and are open to exploring new experiences.

It is important to note that while PNP dating sites provide a space for individuals to connect and explore their desires, it is crucial to prioritize safety and consent. Users should always practice safe drug use and engage in consensual activities. PNP dating sites can be a fun and exciting way to meet new people and explore your desires, but it is essential to approach these experiences responsibly and with respect for yourself and others.

Safety and Security in PNP Online Dating: Tips and Best Practices

Party and Play (PNP) dating sites are the go-to platforms for individuals seeking a unique and exciting dating experience. These sites cater to a specific community of like-minded individuals who are interested in combining partying with their romantic encounters. PNP dating sites provide a safe and discreet environment for users to connect and explore their shared interests.

Whether you are looking for casual hookups, new friendships, or even long-term relationships, PNP dating sites offer a variety of options to suit your preferences. These platforms feature advanced search filters, allowing you to find potential matches based on location, interests, and other specific criteria. With user-friendly interfaces and intuitive features, PNP dating sites make it easy to connect with others who share your desire for adventure and excitement.

PNP Dating Sites: A New Frontier for Connection and Adventure

Party and Play (PNP) dating sites have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a unique platform for individuals who enjoy combining recreational drug use with sexual activities. These sites provide a safe and discreet space for like-minded individuals to connect and explore their shared interests. With a growing number of PNP dating sites available, it can be challenging to find the right one. However, we’ve compiled a list of the ultimate PNP dating sites to help you navigate the online PNP community.

1. PNP Finder: This site boasts a large and diverse user base, making it easier to find compatible partners. With its user-friendly interface, PNP Finder allows you to browse through profiles, connect with others, and arrange PNP encounters. The platform also offers safety features to ensure a secure experience for its members.

2. PNP Match: If you’re looking for a site that focuses on finding long-term partners within the PNP community, PNP Match is the place to be. This platform emphasizes compatibility and relationship building, allowing you to connect with individuals who share not only your recreational interests but also your personal values and goals.

3. PNP Connections: PNP Connections prides itself on being a trusted and discreet platform for PNP enthusiasts. It offers various communication features, including private messaging and video chat, to help you establish meaningful connections with other members. The site also provides resources and support for individuals looking to maintain a healthy and responsible approach to PNP activities.

4. PNP World: As the name suggests, PNP World is an international PNP dating site that connects individuals from all around the globe. Whether you’re looking for local partners or seeking international adventures, this platform allows you to explore the PNP lifestyle on a global scale. With its diverse membership base, PNP World offers a unique opportunity to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds who share your interests.

Party and Play (PNP) dating sites offer a unique and vibrant online community for individuals looking to connect and explore their desires. With a wide range of platforms available, PNP enthusiasts can find like-minded individuals who share their interests and preferences. Whether you’re seeking casual encounters or meaningful connections, these sites provide a safe and inclusive space for PNP enthusiasts to express themselves and engage with others. From user-friendly interfaces to robust privacy features, these platforms prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of their users. So, if you’re ready to embark on a thrilling and exhilarating journey, join one of these PNP dating sites and discover a world of endless possibilities. Let the party begin!

Dalam rangka membentuk kembali organisasi pembinaan olahraga berkuda, komunitas olahraga berkuda menggelar Musyawarah Provinsi (Musprov) Pordasi Sulsel pada hari ini Tanggal 31 Agustus 2021. Salah satu agenda utamanya adalah memilih Ketua Pengprov Pordasi Sulsel. Saat ini, calon ketua umum hanya satu orang yakni Wakil Ketua DPRD Sulsel, H.Muzayyin.

Jika calon tunggal dapat terpilih secara sah pada Musprov hari ini, maka Pengprov Pordasi Sulsel akan segera ditetapkan PP.Pordasi sebagai anggota baru saat Rakernas 2021.

Upaya mengadakan Musprov untuk membentuk Pengprov Pordasi Sulsel ini dipimpin Ustad Muhammad Ikhwan. Musprov pun didukung oleh berbagai pihak yang hadir seperti Pemerintah Sulawesi Selatan yang diwakili Sekda Dr.H.Hayat Gani, Pangdam Hassanudin yang diwakili Irdam Brigjen TNI Purbo Prastowo, Walikota Makassar Prof. Dr.Ir. Rudi Djamaluddin, Ketua Umum KONI Sulsel yang diwakili Wakabid I Bidang Organisasi Drs.H.Ambas Syam dan juga jajaran Pengurus Pusat (PP.) Pordasi.

Jajaran PP.Pordasi hadir secara virtual dan juga faktual. Ketua Umum PP.Pordasi Triwatty Marciano didampingi Waketum III Mayjen TNI (Purn.) Bambang Hartawan, Sekjen Adinda Yuanita, Wabendum I Osco Olfriady Letunggamu dan Wakabid Publikasi Prama Ika Yuliasari. Adapun jajaran PP.Pordasi hadir secara fisik di Pesonna Hotel, Makassar adalah Waketum II Widodo Edi Sektianto dan Wakabid Hukum Alemina Tarigan.

Ketua Umum PP.Pordasi mengapresiasi upaya komunitas berkuda di Sulsel untuk membentuk organisasi pembina olahraga berkuda. “Selaku Ketua Umum PP.Pordasi, Saya menyampaikan terima kasih atas dedikasi Bapak/Ibu sekalian pada olahraga prestasi khususnya di cabang olahraga berkuda,” ujarnya di awal sambutan yang diberikan secara virtual.

Ketua Umum PP.Pordasi optimis dengan olahraga berkuda di Sulawesi Selatan karena sudah melekat dengan masyarakat sejak lama. “Berkuda merupakan salah satu cabang olahraga yang sudah lama memasyarakat di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan, khususnya Pacuan Kuda,” katanya.

Kedekatan yang diikuti sejarah masyarakat setempat dengan berkuda juga disampaikan oleh Sekda, Dr.H.Hayat Gani. Menurutnya olahraga berkuda dekat dengan budaya di Sulawesi Selatan. “Patung Sultan Hassanudin, lihat ada kudanya,” ujarnya menjelaskan bahwa kuda sudah melekat dengan masyarakat sejak era perjuangan melawan kolonialisme. “Ini (olahraga berkuda) harus berkibar,” tegasnya.

Tidak hanya memiliki kedekatan dengan masyarakat sejak lama, menurut Triwatty olahraga berkuda sudah berkembang cepat bahkan pada disiplin lain seperti Equestrian, Polo dan Berkuda memanah (Horseback Archery).

Pengprov Pordasi Sulawesi Selatan Diharapkan Berprestasi pada PON XXI

Dengan dekatnya olahraga berkuda dengan masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan serta perkembangan cepat, Triwatty berharap pengurus yang nanti terbentuk akan bahu-membahu meningkatkan prestasi olahraga berkuda. “Sebagai puncak multievent adalah PON dimana pada PON XXI Tahun 2024 akan kembali mempertandingkan cabang olahraga berkuda,” katanya merujuk PON XXI.

Adapun pada PON XXI Tahun 2024 akan digelar di Aceh dan Sumatera Utara. Olahraga berkuda akan dipertandingkan di kedua provinsi tuan rumah. Aceh akan menjadi tempat pertandingan Pacuan Kuda sedangkan Sumatera Utara akan menggelar pertandingan equestrian.

“Untuk itu Pengprov Pordasi Sulawesi Selatan yang nantinya terbentuk, dapat segera melakukan persiapan dalam rangka meningkatkan pembinaan prestasi olahraga berkuda dalam waktu kurang dari 4 tahun”, sebutnya.

Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan juga berharap atlet berkuda Sulawesi Selatan dapat bersaing pada PON XXI yang akan digelar di Aceh dan Sumatera Utara. “Semoga atlet kita dapat ambil bagian dalam PON,” kata Hayat Gani sebelum membuka secara resmi Musprov Pordasi Sulawesi Selatan.

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